Saturday, April 28, 2012


This is a picture of the best shawarma place in Duhok.  For 1,000 IQD, less than a dollar, you get a delicious chicken sandwich.  Shawarma is hugely popular here, even for breakfast.  Some of them are shit, and some are just alright.  Doner Sultana is the best in the business.

Second, I snapped a quick picture in my friend Aras' living room.  Most living rooms look fairly similar to this: opulently decorated, well kept, and cozy.

This is a picture exhibiting Kurdish work ethic and management skills.  Management is ridiculously poor in this country in just about every capacity.  Regularly seeing more waiters than customers is one such indication. This group of young men is patiently waiting till they can go home...while watching tv of course.

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