Friday, September 30, 2011

The Real Beginning

Friday, September 30th, 2011       

               We have finally moved into our new apartment at Zeri Land and the reality of my being here for an extended period of time suddenly feels a lot more comfortable.  Knowing that I have someplace to call “home” and provide some semblance of stability provides a calming effect to soothe over any lingering frustrations.  I no longer have to go and find a restaurant any time I want to eat, walk by a doorman on the way inside, and I can finally unpack all of my clothes.  Traveling with a suitcase is quite enjoyable, but living out of one gets old fast. 
               The apartment we have is pretty nice and for anyone who got the Skype tour you can see that there are quite a bit of bright colors.  It isn’t the Hilton, but it is certainly better than Ivy Hill in NJ.  I feel far safer here as well.  There are numerous mini-markets all around the neighborhood to provide us with most anything we would need.  For any larger purchases the Mazi Mall (grocery store) is just a short cab ride away.  Considering that most of the restaurants offer the same 5-7 dishes, I imagine that we will be eating at the apartment far more than dining out.  This is fine because I still can’t order anything at the restaurant besides basic dishes anyways. 
               I also got a chance to speak with just about everyone in my family within the past few days.  Although I am almost 6,000 miles away, it feels slightly closer to be here because now instead of calling we use Skype.  Being able to see the person you are talking to adds a personal element not available via telephone.  I should be able to maintain pretty consistent communication with everyone which certainly helps.  I have no real insights to share today as most things remain the same.  There are no new observations but I imagine there will be plenty once I finally start teaching....who knows when that will be.

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