Thursday, September 22, 2011


Friday, September 23rd, 2011

             After about 50 hours without sleep, not counting the few hours scattered in a jam-packed plane or a car, I felt like I could comfortably pass out on a pile of rocks and still be alright.  I was a walking zombie.  When I went to bed at 6:30pm on Thursday evening I don’t think I have ever been so excited to go to bed.  It is now 3am and I am wide awake.  Despite further throwing my sleep schedule into disarray, I have to say that I feel pretty good.  
               The hotel we are temporarily staying in is quite nice.  Unlike the Motel Ribar, we have Western toilets (thank God), internet, and cable.  We were told that we would be here for 2-3 days before we moved into our fully furnished apartment at Zeri Land.   Since then the time frame has jumped to 4-5 days; subsequently, and still in the same exact conversation, it went up to 5-6 days.  While things like this can easily become a source of frustration for someone who enjoys tight planning and control, I find myself just letting it go.  There is no reason to fret about small things and it is easier to just laugh it off and move on.  The upside to this mentality is that when the time comes for me to take time off, or if I ever make a mistake, I will most certainly expect the same laissez-faire attitude in return.  Adjusting to Kurdish life already! 

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