Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Epic Battle

           For reasons that continue to elude me, I still cannot understand how mosquitoes sneakily make their way into our Zeri Land Apartment.  It seems as if every day there are a few of these furtive creatures that somehow, beyond all reason, gain entry to our 4th floor apartment.  Their numbers are not indicative of an infestation, as there are only a few a day.  However, their mere presence stirs a great deal of petulance and eagerness to rid the apartment of this lingering problem once and for all.  Despite my best efforts to close every nook, cranny, and orifice, the mosquito ninjas prevail. 
            Most of these miniature bedevilments are quickly killed upon sight.  We have become quite proficient in the business of aeronautical insect disposal.   However, every once in a while we will come across the lone, maverick mosquito who is clearly well skilled in evasive maneuvers.  These Top Gun insects must have been at the top of their flight class as they swiftly move with great alacrity.  Last night, I had an epic battle with one of these creatures.  I chased him all over the room; tried tricking him by flickering lights; tried to lure him out of his hiding spots; and swung and missed him at least three times.  After nearly 30 minutes of ill-fated pursuit, I despondently went to bed. 
            To my surprise, when I awoke I found the creature fluttering about in front of my eyes, as if he was taunting me after completing a most delectable breakfast.  HA!  The last laugh was mine, however, as his transient existence would soon come to end at the brunt of my ESL book.  It was a Pyrrhic victory, albeit in the most infinitesimal sense, but a victory nevertheless.  This was truly the cagiest mosquito yet, and hence I felt it necessary to blog about him, may he rest in peace.  Not to mention that we have a 10-day vacation and I have absolutely nothing else to do.  

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