Friday, May 11, 2012

Uncomfortable Siuation

            Given the awkwardness of many men here around women, it was only a matter of time before a highly uncomfortable situation like this one presented itself.  Our neighbor, Mohammed, is a 50ish year old Egyptian man working as an engineer here in Duhok.  His entire family is back in Egypt so he is here alone.  Mohammed speaks English at a fairly high level, and has been most personable in our encounters with him.  He always asks how we are, and shortly after we met began inviting us over for tea. 
            Being American and valuing set plans, not random ventures to some stranger’s apartment for tea, we never really took him up on his offers.  He became noticeably upset about this and frequently inquired as to why we never come over.  I felt sort of bad about since he is surely lonely, so we obliged.  Mohammed is pushy in his hospitality, like many of the people here, and cannot seem to stop force feeding you.  Our first dinner over there was fine.  The second one did not go so well. 
Paige was getting set to leave in a few days time so Mohammed wanted to invite us over for dinner before she left.  He came back late, however, so Paige made other plans that night.  I still went over.  When Paige finally returned he, being pushy and all, went over to our flat and insisted that Paige come over.  I had already been at his place, a characterless flat with no decoration whatsoever, for a while and was ready to leave.  I informed them both that I was going home, but I left both doors open because I knew that Paige wouldn’t stay long either as she never really liked him to begin with.
Evidently, leaving her alone was a mistake that I should not have made.  Shortly after my departure Mohammed moved seats to sit closer to Paige.  When she picked up a tray of food that she never wanted anyways he placed his hand under hers.  Beginning to sense the nature of Mohammed’s intentions, Paige got up to leave.  At this point he began pressing her to stay and then tried to get closer as he said, “Give me a kiss.” 
Paige rushes back home in tears and apprises me of the situation.  Feeling slightly shocked and a little angry, I went over to his flat and confronted him.  Mohammed continually denied doing anything, constantly reiterating that it was a “misunderstanding.” I didn’t believe any of it.  I felt bad that Paige had to go through that situation.  If it were a younger guy, and one that she flirts with, I would understand more.  But there was nothing about this situation that should have given any inclination that Mohammed’s actions would be deemed a good idea. 
In a way, I am not released from feeling any sense of responsibility towards hanging out with him.  I have no desire whatsoever to spend my time with someone of that nature.  Our Sunday night dinners are effectively nixed after only two occasions.

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