Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

            I don’t know what it is about the towels sold here in Kurdistan, but they are some of the most poorly made towels I have ever encountered in my entire life.  If they were literally not the worst towels ever I would not waste my time blogging about them.  I do not know where they were manufactured, but whether it was in Lansing, Michigan or Beijing, China does not matter; they are an abomination and do not deserve to even wipe down dirty dishes. 
            The last time I was in Kurdistan I bought a cheap Ninja Turtles towel for about $7.  It completely fell apart within a week.  Chalk it up to buying a cheap product and getting what you pay for, no big deal.  I then purchased a more expensive, and what felt like a quite nice towel, for about $20.  I swear they must have installed a sprinkler system within the towel that spewed lint all over the room.  I was brown with lint after using it, and only after 4 times washing it did the lint sprinkler finally subsist. 
            This brings me to my next adventure in towel shopping.  I am now back in Kurdistan and, like any student of the world, I am trying to learn from my mistakes.  I went to a totally new store, bought a completely different brand, and even checked the quality of the material before purchasing my brand new blue towel, which just happened to have dolphins on it.  After eagerly trying out my new purchase, I doubled checked my body up and down.  So far so good as not a speck of lint was on my body.  However, after looking about the bathroom, it appears that this towel also had a lint sprinkler installed.  Instead of being personally covered in brown lint, my bathroom was showered with blue lint!  It was in the shower, the sink, the toilet, the washing machine, and all over the floor.  I don’t even how it got there, but this lint sprinkler was powerful.  

            I am now going to wash this towel 489 times until I do not see even the slightest sign of lint.  If, after such extreme measures, I notice lint anywhere near my body or my bathroom, this towel shall be sacrificed to the fire gods in a nearby alley.  If you are ever in search of a towel, and considered traveling to Kurdistan to get it, please, heed my warning and bring one measly towel from home. 

1 comment:

  1. I just had to lint brush myself, not my clothes, my actual body. This towel is hopeless.
